So, this is killing me :-)
Bitwig users, do your native Bitwig instruments work as MPE?
For now only MPE VST works.
Even the HW Instrument out does not work as MPE :-)'
And it is me again ,
I think the problem is that the Erae 2 MPE midi channels do not rotate.
Is there a setting for this ?
Pressing now goes 1 ,1 ,1 ,1 when Bitwig (probably) likes it 1,2,3,4,5 ....
i have no problems in Bitwig Studio 5.1.9 with Erae 2 and MPE.
script: Roli. Seabord Rise
in: MIDIIN 3 (Erae 2)
out: Erae 2
(the choice for out was because of: with MIDIOUT 2 (there is no 3...), Bitwig blocked, or even crashed?, the Erae 2....
but there can be no problems with native device or MPE VST's, there is no difference, i believe..
you can set Bitwig to all channels, or so.... it is a thing i want to do, but always forget, because it does not really matter. but in certain cases...
i add:: with my Roli Seabord Blocks, you see all go to channel one in 'all midi channels'...
and Roli does certainly rotate.....
there is an how to, setup in Bitwig, with the names of Erae Touch....
select solutions, and see how to setup in bitwig...
and now i see, i am also learning, what i always forget, but it works still, but it is better:
select: Instrument Track, you want to select of course
see by channels in the inspector:
ALL -> 1
set it to
ALL -> same
and you see rotation if there is rotation, but every channel is recorded as thé channel. so output from channel 4 to channel 4 etc...
Oh my ,
I hope somebody from Embodme is reading this and it would be great if they fix this and say that they read it .
So in Bitwig , one can not use the generic driver to control the Bitiwig native instruments.
In the latest version of Bitiwig (5.3) I simply can not find how to switch of the automatic scanning of midi and it always ads the generic driver, even if erased, even if scanning off .
So I took the MIDI out A, connected it to MIDI on my computer interface, and then assigned that input to Roger Lin`s, LinnStrument.
Switched of the routing through the USB and switched on routing via midi out A.
And in this way it works properly.
I have no clue how now (have to go) I can edit the ERAE simultaneously, but it works.
The bottom line is that there should be a driver for Bitwig.
But thank you Roger
The Embome scripts do not translate the pitch bend data to expressions!
I simply use the LinnStrument or Roli scripts instead. They work fine, but they don't pass other controller data as it seems.
I could imagine a kind of standard script for the Erae that can be used to mix and control synths on several pages. Therefore I would recommend a kind of standard mapping for mixing duties and remote control duties...
Certainly we want fixes in that erea for Erae...
rastko lazic