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CV gate is 8V and not 5V

Warning. Some equipment dors not like > 5V and could be damaged. The manual says gate is 5V It is currently 8V . Firmware observed 1.05 - 1.07

This is bad - how did you verify it?

Do the CV Sliders work as expected when you adjust them? Do not want to damage my modular 

One of my modular units has a built in display and voltage meter, showing what is arriving on its inputs. Fortunately this one is happy from -10V to +10V . But something like a GS E7 synth would potentially be damaged. I have only tested the virtual keyboards. So per my other post , I could hear that the notes are also not tuned correctly at 1V per octave as well! There is a CV calibration option but it just says calibrated, so I'm unsure whether there is something I'm missing there

Hi Jonathan,

This is not normal, the gate should output 5V, and do on our test units, there might be a calibration or hardware issue behind this. I see you have reached out in private, we'll investigate topgether there !


I am pleased to report that a CV recalibration fixed this Thanks Alex and Mathieu!
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