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MPE SLide in a Keygrid

 in a Keygrid, a MPE keygrid of course, the slide seems to be limited to the size of the key...

which limits (of course) the use of slide....

like on Lightpad (M) Block, the slide starts on the key you press, and will slide even if you go over the keys... or slide will work....

perhaps i don't see it, well it can!

Erae 2, playing with it for 2 hours.... so just got it....

that was a bit of unclear message....

but slide can be active over a bigger range than the key size by turning of 'Glissando' vertical....

still learning.. the Erae 2, but can already play with it, the way i want, and the looper is fun....

I know what you mean as I have the M Block as well and this should be a feature request.

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indeed like the Lightpad M block. i make it a feature request.

Hello Arjan,

By default the Keygrid Object should have Vertical Glissando enabled (see attached default picture) , which is indeed the Slide for Roli.

Is it the case for you or do you have to make some edit ?

(89.8 KB)

hi alex,

thank you for your response. of course there can be an user 'error', my first Erae (2) so...

Slide is of course the Roli term for the Y axis, and corresponds with CC74....

i must turn Vertical Glissando off, disable it, to get a slide, that isn't limited to the size of the key....

well, it is still limited to the size of the key, but if your finger is not on te key anymore, i does react to Slide (CC74) per channel, of course...

i shall check again.....

i have checked again...

with vertical glissando i get as a 'bonus' that note changes to the key i 'slide' to, vertical... but not in a glissando way, by the way; it jumps.

i assume glissando is pitchbend per channel? which horizontal works flawlessly, but vertical ít "retriggers"?

(retrigger is not on)...

but i think we have definition problem, i mean Sound Brighhtness (CC 74) with Slide....

(roli terms:

Glide = Pitchbend per channel

Slide = CC74

Strike=velocity/note on

Pressure=Pressure (.....)

Lift = Release Velocity)

i am getting used to it know, but i would be nice to be able the change of the lenght of Sound Brightness (CC74)...

for example, the lower row, in a keygrid, will be value 0, the upper Row value 127, and of course if you go vertical up or down, it changes...
this is how the Lightpad M Block works in MPE mode, CC74 set to absolute.

it gives you another playing style, because of  course the start value is different....

but how it now works.... i have now keygrid, in front of me on the Erae 2 (and next ot it are the 2 lightpad M Blocks....), i have set Sound Brightness (CC74) to Absolute Y, because that gives better results, and 64 stays almost always the first value, or around 64...

but if you can set the lenght of the area the Sound Brightness reacts to, you have a better control, in a keygrid about the 'Slide' (Sound Brightness CC74)....

the confusion of the terms, especially with CC74, because it less defined than the others, and 'dangles' a bit in the definition (of, MPE specs 1.1)....

Osmose does it completely different...

Erae can do CC74, in the X axis aslo....

but more control about the area, if am a clear. i hope!!

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