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Ableton 12 Remote Script for Erae Touch 1

I just migrated to Windows 11 and installed Ableton 12 (also an upgrade from 11)

So far the issues I am facing:

Ableton tells me the Erae remote script needs to be updated by Device manufacturer  to work with Ableton 12 

And additionally, I am not seeing the Erae as connected when running Erae Lab under win 12, which I suspect is a driver /windows 12 recognition issue. 

Please advise

Just wanted to update the detection issue has been solved (bad cable)

Hi Jon,

We are aware of the Ableton 12 notice.

For now the dev team is running mostly bug fixes and other feature updates at the moment.

But we will work on it as soon as the porting of firmware for Erae Touch AND Erae 2 will be complete (in order to avoid to do the work twice)

Just another note on this:

This message for the Ableton 12 script does not prevent to use ERAE 2 with this DAW!

On the contrary we actually created special Factory preset with Romain Jovion so you can discover the full potential of ERAE with Live:

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