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No CV setting in the menu

I just received my ERAE II yesterday and updated to the firmware 1.0.3. I'm trying to get the CV outputs to work but all I get is a kind of noise. It sounds like a weird clock bleed or something. 

I also noticed that in the setting menu of the ERAE there's no SPLITTER CV menu like it's shown in the manual.

Is this a bug in the latest firmaware? I can't tell since I didn't try the previous ones

And the outputs don't work with a splitter cable. Sorry for not adding that to my post. 

Hello everyone!

We have just published a new firmware update last week (v 1.0.5) that should solve the issues with teh CV/Gate output stabilities:

Can you all run this update and let us know if this worked for you?

V1.0.5 is working fine for me so far!

I've been using 1.0.5. since my ERAE came back to me. Can you please put up the CV routing page again? At the moment, the splitter cable functionality doesn't work. When I choose output 2 on ERAE lab, that refers to the physical output 2, not output 2 that should be coming out of CV output 1. 

Also, when I send a gate out of CV output 1, there is always some signal there, even when a key is not triggered on the ERAE. Gate never reaches 0V. Serious issue, because this means the voice on the modular is never silent, when I use a Make Noise Maths channel as a sustain envelope.

Korhan - I wonder whether you've seen the bit of the manual that explains the CV output numbering? So if you have a splitter coming out of the first port, then it will be CVs number 1 and 13, not 1 and 2 - does that help you? Apologies if you knew this already

Hi Adrian,

I guess the manual was also updated. Sorry. However, I think the CV allocation per voice still uses the physical outputs. Like, if I turn CV on for a Keygrid, starting at CV output 1, 1V/oct comes out of CV output 2, etc. I guess the rationale behind this is to avoid forcing people to use a splitter for applications that does not require 24 CV outs. Ok, now this is clear. Thank you!

What I'm also realizing as I use the CV for sending gates, fast playing causes retriggers in gates... sort of like ratcheting. I plug just the gate signal into an envelope or a filter ping input and I get retriggers. Sometimes 6-7 in succession. 

Another thing it says in the manual is the following: 'Note that we did not restrict the use of outputs to just one element, meaning that one output can be used on 2 different layouts, which could create conflicts if for example you record a loop on one layout and play the other simultaneously. The Erae Lab will warn you when there are conflicts in the routing, but won’t prevent you from doing it !' So maybe it is possible that you have conflicts between different layouts? Again, apologies if you are aware of it, but maybe worth looking into if not. Otherwise ... in your position, I would be trying different types of elements, eg drum pads or buttons, to see if that affects anything. 

I'm aware of this one and only the Keygrid I'm using to play the modular is CV enabled. I'm using EMBODME's factory-default layouts/presets.  Now I am trying sending gates with other UI elements. These gate bursts happen with all of them and with other CV outputs, too....

I think I'll stop wasting my time with the CV stuff and focus on the MPE side for a while to get stuff done. I have concerts to play. I'll keep watching this space, though. Thank you! 

OK, that doesn't sound right, I admit! Best of luck with the concerts. 

And this is a quality checked, recently serviced unit... I'll wait for the next firmware update. I don't have much time to hunt for bugs from now on. Gotta work on actual music-making :)

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I'm struggling with CV setup too. The voltage is not staying within the range shown in the UI. So I have it set to X abs 0v-5v but I am seeing negative voltages and over +8V.
Jonathan, how do you test the voltages you’re getting? Do you just put a voltmeter on the end of a patch cable? I’d like to test it to see what voltages I’m actually getting, to see whether I have the same situation as you

Korhan Erel:  "fast playing causes retriggers in gates"

Hmm. This on the second one you've received?

Bursts / voltage swings prompted an RMA for my 1st unit...

Adrian: "Do you just put a voltmeter on the end of a patch cable?"

An oscilloscope would be far more revealing than a voltmeter.

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A voltmeter works fine for a basic test though. I cannot get mine to even do 1V per octave despite it being ticked. I'm using factory panel 2, two purple keyboards. Gate off. 1V/Octave on. "Preview on" to enable a test and I'm seeing 0.2v per semitone, e.g 0.4v increment from C to D for example.

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