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No CV setting in the menu

I just received my ERAE II yesterday and updated to the firmware 1.0.3. I'm trying to get the CV outputs to work but all I get is a kind of noise. It sounds like a weird clock bleed or something. 

I also noticed that in the setting menu of the ERAE there's no SPLITTER CV menu like it's shown in the manual.

Is this a bug in the latest firmaware? I can't tell since I didn't try the previous ones

Here's a video showing that there's no SPLITTER CV tab in the setting menu


Is this a bug in the latest firmaware? I can't tell since I didn't try the previous ones

I can confirm that the new firmware has somehow erased the “SPLITTER CV” that was present before.

I'm trying to get the CV outputs to work but all I get is a kind of noise.

Similar problem with the cv outputs here, but not as bad.

The outputs simply deliver an unstable voltage, which was supposed to be corrected with the latest firmware but is still the case.

If I connect an output to the V/oct of a VCO, it ripples between 0 and 15ct, sometimes up to 30ct.

Confirming CV issues persist v0.1.0.3

I can confirm the CV issue, too. I'm kind of happy I'm not the only one, though :) 

Didn't realize/check if the splitter CV option disappeared, but mine's probably gone, too.

Ok, thanks for the feedback everyone. Let's hope this gets fixed soon cause as it is the unit is absolutely useless for what I want to use it for. I was expecting a certain amount of bugs due to the fact it's a new product and it's a kickstarter etc. But this is way beyond a small issue. It actually doesn't work.

The firmware update definitely lessened the CV issue so I'm hopeful that the next update will get rid of it. What I find surprising is Embodme wasn't aware of it before shipping.

I haven't received mine as of yet,, But I was planning on using this for my DAW less modular setup.. Seeing that new units are having problems with CV is NOT giving me a good feeling about what I bought..

They asked me to send my unit back, saying the reason for CB issues is a fault in the power unit. They will fix it and send it back. So, don't despair. They're owning the problem and taking responsibility.

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And they paid for shipping.

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Same here. I just sent my unit back yesterday and waiting for the new one to be delivered

Just confirming that I also cannot see the Splitter CV in the Settings panel either. However as far as I can make out, this is not too much of a problem because all 12 CV outs still work with a splitter cable, which can be configured in Eraelab. So the full set of 24 CV outs is nevertheless available. So far the CV outs seem to be working OK for me although I have not done a thorough voltage test as others have done in this thread. 

Hi All,

We apologize for the confusion regarding the CV splitter option, we actually removed it in favor of a simpler way to index the CV outputs, see the manual here:

Note: If the Footswitch A and/or B are enabled, then the numbering is shifted to jump the related output.

Hope this helps,
Thanks !


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 Much better now!

I have my ERAE back from Embodme and the CV issue seems to be resolved! However, I cannot for the love of Satan get the CV output assignment to work and the page linked above does not exist anymore. When I assign a voice to a keyboard on the ERAE, I cannot access the secondary CV on a single output. The voice parameters are assigned to CV1, 2, 3 (as printed on the ERAE panel). And... the order of the voice parameters are also wrong. ERAE Lab says Velocity is the third parameter but it's actually Pressure. I think the CV assignment system is pretty messed up at the moment. Embodme, can you please fix this so we can go ahead and use the beautiful ERAE properly. We have concerts to play! :))

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