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No CV setting in the menu

I just received my ERAE II yesterday and updated to the firmware 1.0.3. I'm trying to get the CV outputs to work but all I get is a kind of noise. It sounds like a weird clock bleed or something. 

I also noticed that in the setting menu of the ERAE there's no SPLITTER CV menu like it's shown in the manual.

Is this a bug in the latest firmaware? I can't tell since I didn't try the previous ones

Here's a video showing that there's no SPLITTER CV tab in the setting menu


Is this a bug in the latest firmaware? I can't tell since I didn't try the previous ones

I can confirm that the new firmware has somehow erased the “SPLITTER CV” that was present before.

I'm trying to get the CV outputs to work but all I get is a kind of noise.

Similar problem with the cv outputs here, but not as bad.

The outputs simply deliver an unstable voltage, which was supposed to be corrected with the latest firmware but is still the case.

If I connect an output to the V/oct of a VCO, it ripples between 0 and 15ct, sometimes up to 30ct.

Confirming CV issues persist v0.1.0.3

I can confirm the CV issue, too. I'm kind of happy I'm not the only one, though :) 

Didn't realize/check if the splitter CV option disappeared, but mine's probably gone, too.

Ok, thanks for the feedback everyone. Let's hope this gets fixed soon cause as it is the unit is absolutely useless for what I want to use it for. I was expecting a certain amount of bugs due to the fact it's a new product and it's a kickstarter etc. But this is way beyond a small issue. It actually doesn't work.

The firmware update definitely lessened the CV issue so I'm hopeful that the next update will get rid of it. What I find surprising is Embodme wasn't aware of it before shipping.
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