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Velocity and pressure response requires too much force

Erae II. I noticed that I have to strike very hard to get a higher velocity or pressure. Max pressure at 1kg I guess. The issue become worse when multiple fingers are down. 

Would like to see a setting option that lets users to change the response curve and the note-on triggering threshold. Thanks.

9 people have this question

Yes, I want to play on it with mallets that are barely perceived!

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I seem to have some velocity issues as well, but on the other side of the spectrum. I cannot play very quite notes. Playing MPE instruments in Live seem to respond better than my Hydrasynth, though, but still... Actually, I find it rather strange that there are no velocity settings on the ERAE or the app. 

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 A comment by Embodme on Kickstarter mentiones pressure curves (only for pitched elements - why?) but doesn't tell how you can set them.

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Couldn't touch sensitivity be set on the original erae touch? Why doesn't the erae 2 have this feature?

100% agree that sensivity is needed for every mpe controller

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I have used Ableton's MPE widget ("MPE Control") to set the curve, which is easy enough, but to get it to max out I have to press *super hard,* hard enough that if feels like I'm going to break something. There are some inconsistencies with different areas on the touch surface. Some areas I can touch lightly and get a response and other areas (esp the top left corner) I have to smack hard just to get it to register. I can't tell if it is because the shape or the part of my finger pressing (I have fat, stubby fingers that are maybe too pudgy for the touch plate), but many times I press and it picks up nothing. This makes it difficult to establish a consistent feel for playing motion.

I also noticed that the lowest velocity registered is 20%.

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Same issues here with pressure inconstistencies also the lowest velocity that I can get seems to be 20%

Hello everyone,

A quick message here to address this important issue :

The force treshold should feel quite natural, if it feels hard to trigger at some position on the surface, this is not normal, please reach out to us so we can troubleshoot it, it might be a hardware issue, we've had a few one so far in the batch, and have been actively fixing it for those concerned ! 

Regarding the continuity while sliding, we chose at release to not implement an adaptive filter because the continuity was much better that our previous version. But FSR technology being what it is, we will never reach perfect continuity, we will re-implement that filter in the very near future to improve z stability during slides. Also, as some of you mentioned, the pressure/velocity value does not remove our anti false-positive treshold, so velocity does not start at 0, which is a very easy fix, again on an upcoming update. We also have hard-coded said anti false-positive value, which was not the case on erae 1, we might come back on that decision because in very controlled environment this will reduce the minimum treshold required without risking false positives.

Thank you very much for your early feedbacks, we will do our best to address those issues as efficiently as possible, handling 1000 products in a month was clearly one of the most challenging thing we had to face so far with our small team !



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Thank you for this communication. I hope you’re all up and well, I can imagine this was a challenging couple of weeks. It’s a great piece of hardware that you’ve created. It feels a bit as if I have an alien piece of technology in my hand that could make me travel at the speed of light, but I don’t have the necessary tools to make it do what I want. In other words, if you do as great of a job on the software side as you did on the hardware, this could become a controller that lives in a class on its own. I wish you all the best and can’t wait to see what’s coming! Cheers

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