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When will June batch ship?

Ordered 6months ago.

6 people have this question

Hey Omar any news 6 month later about delivery? I made my order on 18.11.22? I made 3 Mails but no answer no ticket nothing. Hope to get my answer here now

It's been 2 weeks since I ordered after seeming they were 'in stock', nothing has been dispatched and my emails asking why are now not being answered. 

As these topics here have the most interaction.
Does anyone know how to set up midi feedback on a button?
My topic here

So I tried like almost everything.
When I activate a track (in ableton) the button shows the state, but if I press it on the erae pad it glows just when touching and then shows deactivated state.
Can't wrap my head around what I'm doing wrong.
Can't find a single video in which this does work.
It states in the manual tho.

Anyone who gets this to work cause it's annoying to say the least!



After sitting down with erae lab yesterday for quite some time, it's actually pretty nice. 

I was having a mental disconnect with how the layouts were push/pulled, I was thinking it was a batch loader, rather than a single layout at a time. 

I did find some of those vertical glitches that others are experiencing, but they are rare. They also occur in random spots, and generally can't be replicated; so I'm leaning towards it being a software bug, or it may be the silicone bunching up. 

Either way, this erae touch is awesome for my personal use case, and I'm sure it's gonna improve down the line as more features and firmware are updated. 

Thanks Embodme!

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After sitting down with erae lab yesterday for quite some time, it's actually pretty nice. I was having a mental disconnect with how the layouts were push/pulled, I was thinking it was a batch loader, rather than a single layout at a time. I did find some of those vertical glitches that others are experiencing, but they are rare. They also occur in random spots, and generally can't be replicated; so I'm leaning towards it being a software bug, or it may be the silicone bunching up. Either way, this erae touch is awesome for my personal use case, and I'm sure it's gonna improve down the line as more features and firmware are updated. Thanks Embodme!
I expected professionalism

Stop whining. We're not talking about some giant corportion, we are talking about a handful of passionate people, who have made something quite remarkable and, right now, clearly have a lot on their plate. If I was them, I'd absolutely be prioritising getting a fix out over answering emails. Obviousky the idea situation would be that they do both but I imagine that's not an option within such a small team. Cut them a bit of slack and show a bit of patience, FFS.

For the record, turning the sensitivity up as far as it will go, 42, has greatly reduced the glitches I experience. I still get them occasionally but they aren't driving me nuts at this stage and it hasn't affected playablity at all. In fact, I've been using it a lot and I really love it. I prefer it to my Roli Seaboard and Lightpad Blocks, especially after I created my own custom layout, which I find more playable than any of the defaults (I've scaled keys down to 3 lights wide).

Embodme have got so much right, straight out of the blocks, I am more than happy to cut them as much slack as they need to get it 100% right. If you are going to be an early adopter, you have to have some patience.

(259 KB)

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I agree that communication is always valuable for a good brand, hopefully they get in the position where they can get more involved with their customer base outside of social media. 

I'd just be cognizant of the fact that posting negative comments across the forum may not speed along their response to your request, but I understand your frustration after your considerable wait; and I'd also be pretty upset.

for me, its the lack of documentation for the device. I am unable to assign midi channels on the device itself, I believe you had that issue. Also Erae lab is lackluster, and I don't quite understand the full utility of it. I tried downloading the default layouts, and the install is not very clear on how to assign the pages. I have figured out more than enough to test the device and get it running in my DAW with MPE, and its enjoyable to play on. 

I will not be using the xy pads as they are all over the place, but that's okay because I use a Magic Trackpad and arrow swift to assign it as my XYZ pad.

The devices I own that no longer have utility (until the servers get brought up online, if at all) are the MOD DuoX and the MOD Dwarf. Between the two, I'm out like 1500 bucks lol

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If they knew ANYTHING about customer service they could respond and say that they are busy but can process the return in a few days and that would have been totally fine. What paperweights do you have? I will look them up on youtube.

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that much I can understand.

From what I've gathered, the Embody team is pretty tiny, and seems like they are pretty busy. Hopefully they get back to you next week.

One of the companies I had been working with finally went insolvent, and now I have 2 expensive paperweights gathering dust. Covid absolutely destroyed them. 

I'm hoping Embody stays resilient during this time.

Im def happy that yours did. The problem is, this company has horrible service, so even if your unit works for a while, if you have an issue, good luck getting it dealt with in a timely manner, which will not work for someone trying to be professional. def 10/10 on the design for sure. 2/10 customer service.

bummer it didn't work out for you mate. I must've lucked out because my unit has had zero issues after making the recommended adjustments.

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Im 100% done with this unreliable company . Its such bad business that they will not respond to my return request. Buyer beware

did you try the new firmware they released this morning?

The unit is so janky and they are not responding to my return request
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