LFO widgets:
Pressure could also be a modifier.
CCs please in 14bit resolution. Perhaps use a second CC for amplitude.
Shape should allowed to morph between different configurable forms (like say from triangle to sine or ramp down to square to ramp up, etc).
Shape could also be an envelope (minimal ADSR, better "free" form).
Clock divider widgets:
Division should allow for sets like 0, 2, 4 or 0, 3, 6, 9 etc (0 means off).
Henri Rancon
I feel like erae would really benefit from other tools like we can find in Ableton CV and midi tools like :
- Lfos with shape and and time ( clocked or not)
-clock dividers
- envelopes
-turing machines,
-probabilistic clock
ideally it would be great to be able to modulate these tools the way we want.
for ex a 2D slider pads could be a lfo where X Y and pressure would be freely assigned to timing, amplitude and shape
an other way to proceed would be to create these elements as buttons, and then add an internal midi destination for existing modules ( faders and 2D faders mainly) in order to control whatever we want the way we want.
for ex, if we create an lfo, we can assign midi CC1 to amplitude, CC2 to shape and CC3 to rate
then we create a 2 D slider, select internal midi as destination, and input CC1 to pressure, CC2 to X and CC3 to Y.
first option is simpler, second more complete
also second option could allow some faders to control internal arpegiator, like changing rate , direction and octaves
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