Actually the best implementation of the step sequencer on the ERAE 2 would be to allow alternatively entering/editing the notes of the existing looper using the sequencer UI. Kinda of a hybrid sequencer/looper.
And yes, if somehow 128 steps could be squeezed in there, that would be perfect !
It's in Erae 1 but not 2, can it be ported?
The porting of the sequencer for ERAE 2 is not planned at the moment because we replaced it with the LOOPER function
You can Upvote here there first Post from Franck Martin if you feel this would be useful for your setup and workflow!
+1 for me. TR workflow is very usefull Even with live situations.
If at the occasion we can also have 128 steps
Franck Martin
Can you do a step sequencer?
A row of empty squares, the cursor moving from square to square at each clock step. Press the square (with velocity and pressure) to play that note.
Each row, is a different note in the defined scale.
You should be able to save/load the pattern.
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