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Master clock out via CV + tap tempo

I'd like to send the erae 2 internal clock from one CV output to be a master clock for my eurorack system. It would also be great if I could control the internal clock with a tap tempo button. 

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Tap Tempo is crucial! I'm kind of amazed it isn't there. When jamming with a band, having tap tempo is crucial for keeping things like arpeggios and loops in sync. Also, the idea for a clock CV out is excellent!

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 A clock out would be great.

Ideally it shouldn't be limited to a single CV out. So we can have multiple rates (eg 32nd notes and 8ths), possibly also with support for triplets as well.

If we could shift a clock division we could also get offbeat rhythms easily.

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Totally agree, Martin. That would be fantastic. I'm envisioning clock divide, multiply, triplet, shift and swing options on the drum pad element that you specify in the software, and that can be changed with a separate element if one so desires. I thought I'd ask for baby steps first lol they seem to have their hands full with bug fixes and requests at the moment...

Yeah, all those things would be so cool. Would enable me to potentially leave the keystep pro home when I go jam. They do seem to have their hands full at the moment, with both delivery and bugs. Hoping that a lot of this gets addressed sooner rather than later.

Clock output is for me a nice-to-have as the Erae has so many CV outs. But it's not on top of my wish list.

Besides fixing bugs folks have reported, on top of the must-have lists are pressure curves.

Yeah, I agree. I am currently using a midi-cv converter to get clock signals from controllers. Tap tempo, on the other hand, should be way at the top of the list. Don't know how it was ever left out.

Analog clock in and out(with divisions) would be awesome!

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