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USB Host doesn't power controllers

Hi there,

My ERAE II has just arrived. So far it works as expected and I'm quite happy. However, I have a small disappointment. I had always assumed that the USB Host port would supply power to the attached MIDI Controller. This does not seem to be the case. As many MIDI controllers are powered solely over their USB ports, this port seems to be useless for such controllers and seems to work only with devices that have an additional power socket. 

For reference, I should not that I tried connecting an Exquis and a Launchpad Pro MK3 and neither were powered by this port.

Any way this could be fixed via a firmware update or should I just give up hope. This is not a big deal, but one kind of expects a USB Host port to power a controller, especially one that is not power hungry.

That is unexpected and quite impractical! I hope a solution will be found.

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Hi Yonga. Yes, it is quite unexpected. I hope they fix it. I mean, I am totally happy with the ERAE as a Touch MPE surface, but I still don't understand the omission - especially when USB C is so flexible power-wise, as far as I know. 

Let's see how Embodme responds.

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I'm curious about the workings of all the USB-C ports. I plugged my MacBook into the middle port and turned Erae 2 on to see if it would get enough power to run with low illumination, but it's been bricked ever since and won't turn on anymore.

Waiting for a support answer from Embodme.. 

That's not good news. Mine is powered by the computer, but the powering is not stable. Hence I've been powering it using its own power supply. 

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