Yes, it has been ages since we had an expansion for the erae 1.
Promises have been made in the past tho. £
Rotating objets should be standard from the get go.
Snapback would be a great feature!
Or just having to deal with less then 48 items all the time...
When can original backers suspect of having a little support? (for a +700€ device)
Snapback is really missing. It is something I really expected to have it for Erae ii that I didn't even think to ask about before pledging on Kickstarter.
This is a really basic functionality for a customizable midi controller - so many good ideas and this stuff is missing? And is asked for more than few years and still not delivered? Im a bit shocked and wonder if it was the right decision to invest in this device :(
Does anybody from Embodme read us?
Maybe we should go on Facebook and ask for this.
Really, really disappointed...
Hello Embodme team! Where are you? Selling some Erae 2? Great but what about Erae Touch Users? The first version of your controller has totally disappeared from your website. And no answer here...
I've asked for those 2 features before buying my Erae Touch three years ago and I'm still waiting for.
I know that I can use 2D faders to emulate horizontal fader but it is not a very good solution (visually).
And for my second request, I need this behavior when I use 2D fader as XY. I would like that X and/or Y return to initial value when I release my finger.
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