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MIDI thru in EreaLab

Hi Embodme,

My platform is windows and as you may know having both DAW and EreaLab open and connected to same device is impossible (without workarounds).

It currently involves 1. installing a virtual midi device (usually loopMIDI which is great and easy) and after this, options are (at least based on my knowledge) horrendous and complicated (midi tools, midiox, etc.)

Now since erae is so configurable it would be "extremely" useful if i could have a Lab opened and connected to erae and having an option (within a Lab) to pass thru a MIDI signal to a MIDI virtual devices(s).
This enables easy option to having my DAW opened and running and at the same time making adjustments in LAB. 

My only example of this feature is software for BopPad, "BopPad Editor Desktop" by Keith McMillen (see attached screenshot)

Thank you kindly

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Hey Amar, thanks for the post!

We are actually currently working on this for the next update, we have been working on it since 2 months as we know it is a pain to do that for windows.

Stay posted and on the lookout for the next update!

3 people like this

Thank you so much. great news. 

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