Thanks, but would that work without a computer host or do you have to go through the computer to send the MIDI to the UA ?
I'm looking for an audio interfaces that can be controlled directly through its MIDI port, so far I've only found RME interfaces. MOTU, Focusrites and others, though can work standalone all at least require their control software to be running on the host, no standalone MIDI reception.
The Arturia Audiofuse 16Rig can also do that but it misses standalone DSPs, will only provide basic audio monitoring in standalone.
Jehudi Loozen
I have found a way to use the Erae Touch as a controller for Universal Audio Console:
-First you need to download this program:
-You have to connect the faders mute and solo yourself, but it is fairly easy.
-I added my template, but it might be you have more or less faders in UAD Console.