This article explains how to update your Erae2 device with the latest firmware.
- Download latest available software:
- Erae Lab for Erae 2
- Erae 2 firmware
- Erae2 with power supply:
- power supply provided (15W+)
- powered through USB power port
- Host computer: PC, MacOs or Linux (Ubuntu) computer
Update Process
- Open Erae Lab for Erae2
- Connect Erae2 with USB cable via USB device port
- Click Settings -> Drop or Select update file
- Click on Start Update
- Pop-ups box: Please make sure to close your DAW -> OK
- Pop-ups box: Save your layouts first
- Yes: Save the loaded project on Erae2 your host computer (update will proceed after)
- No: Move forward with the update
- The update should start:
Your Erae2 will show the status of the update on the LCD screen:
- "Receiving update"
- "Installing..."
- "Update done Rebooting"
The Erae2 will reboot automatically after these.